Friday, June 30, 2006

8th Grade Mission Trip

For the past couple of summers my parents have been in charge of our church's 8th grade mission trip. Each summer we send our 8th graders off to some location in Florida for a week of Backyard Bible Clubs and surveying. This past week I got to be a "worker," and off we went to North Port, Florida. Our 8th graders did a marvelous job at their Bible Clubs, surveying in the 90-something-degree heat, and then participating in our host church's VBS at night! I got to be a chaperone for 3 of the girls at night and officially proclaimed myself a middle school worker when finding out the joy of plunging a toilet at 11:30 at night. Also, I learned that middle school workers are the first ones up, last ones to bed, and constantly encouraging during the day. I wearily drove home late this afternoon....Tired, yet knowing that I absolutely love 8th graders..... (More to come)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Country Girl...

For years I have been an avid hater of country music...I mean I despised it!
On the way to the Convention, J.V. and I got to listen to Rascal Flatts all the way there and back....And by the time we pulled into Louisville's City Limits, I was an avid country girl singin' right along to "Backwards." Now, compliments of, I just started my own collection of country music via Mr. Flatts himself. Yee-haw....
(For those keen observers wondering what in the world I'm doing in the picture, I'm displaying my talent at the air-guitar...It's true.)


I've gotten to become better aquainted with the newest member of our family. Howie is quite an interesting little one to see "hopping" accross the floor in pursuit of attacking one of the dogs or the older cat, Homer. He is not afraid of anything and is quite amazed by everything...

Today, I was left in charge of the Duncan pets while my Mom headed over to Church for a few hours. My one main responsibility was to make sure Howie was in his "room" (i.e. my parent's bathroom) before I went outside to enjoy the pool. The morning slowly passed and eventually I saw that Howie had fallen asleep in the computer chair. Off I went to find my bathingsuit and upon returning to the chair 5 minutes later, I discovered that Howie had promptly left. Now, this presents a bit of a problem when one loses 1 pound 8 ounces of cat because Howie does not know his name yet, nor does he come when you continue to call this "name" all over the house. Nevertheless, I proceeded to proclaim 'Howie' all over the house....with no Howie in sight. Only one place remained unsearched, the sofa bed. Howie discovered that he can get up in the sofa and sleep on a portion of the mattress that sticks out. So it was quite a sight to see me trying to pull this sofa bed apart in search of a ball of fluff.....Moral of the story? I found him and am going outside now.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Yesterday, my car pulled into the familiar driveway of my home in Florida. I was so relieved to see the beautiful sight! After that nice little drive, I was just alittle stir-crazy to say the least. The past 24 hours have been filled with the joy of my new kitten, the company of my parents, enjoying wonderful food, and remembering just how many lizards live in my backyard...I despise lizards.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

A Recap

The past week has been a blur of business! J.V. and I did indeed make it safely to the Convention after a nice 12 hour drive stopping at every Starbucks that peppered our route, and rededicating our lives when a fierce storm hosted our remaining 2 hour journey to North Carolina. I am still pondering all the lessons God taught me at the SBC. One would not really assume that this would be the ground that I would receive a spiritual refreshing....But it was. I was telling J.V. late one night during our stay that I needed this week and that it was as if God just opened my eyes to things that needed to be seen for so long. From confirmation to prayer requests, to catching a glimpse of God's beautiful plans and ways, I found myself in awe of a God who goes the extra mile in details!

One moment during the Convention that I know I will always cherish is that of getting to see my beloved pastor, Dr. Jerry Vines. I had caught glimpses of him all week, but did not see an opportune moment at stopping him. J.V. and I came back to our (amazing) hotel early one night and happened to be walking by him. In passing, I greeted him. He turned and said, "Hello, Girls," paused, then came over and hugged us. After introductions were made, Dr. Vines continued to stand with us and talk for several minutes. Tears welled up in my eyes later that night as I thought about this great man and the time he took in touching two college girls' hearts.

Upon returning from the Convention Thursday afternoon, I had a bit of time to recuperate before watching the Scroggins children for 10 hours Friday. During this very interesting time of having charge over an entire army of little ones, I realized what a joy it will be one day to have a family of my own.

On a final note, I will be delighted at the sight of my Mom tonight when we meet at the airport tonight. Then tomorrow after church (for that is the right thing to do), we will head off to beautiful Florida for a 5 week dedication to relaxation....Maybe.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Look out, North Carolina! J.V. & L.D. wil be on our way to the Southern Baptist Convention. We have both agreed that with the selection of people that will be traveling with us, we are bound to have a great time....

Friday, June 09, 2006

Philippines Snapshot

I have been longing to go back to the Philippines (Come January I will be there....maybe). My friend Autumn e-mailed me these "driving rules." Though originally intended for Korea, these principles can be applied to the Filipino's driving as well....

1. Never, ever slow down when lights begin to change color.
2. Change lanes at every available opportunity.
3. When a pedestrian is about to step onto the road change into the right-hand land.
4. Use your cell phone at all times.
5. Tailgate.
6. Slow down so the driver behind you can tailgate.
7. At pedestrian crossing only stop after you have passed any pedestrians so they have to walk around your car.
8. If possible do use the sidewalks while doing U-turns.
9. Never maintain a steady speed, you should speed up, then brake, then speed up then brake...
10. Remember that the number of lanes on a road can be multiplied by a factor of 1.5.
11. Turn right only when the way is clear or when a bus is approaching.
12. If there are no parking spots: double park, park across a driveway, park in a driveway or park on the sidewalk.
13. The measure of your driving skill is inversely proportional to the distance you miss speeding objects by.
14. If you need to stop for any reason just stop, the others can drive around you.
15. Motorcyclists are invisible.
16. Use small alleys teeming with pedestrians as short cuts.
17. Do not wear a seatbelt.
18. When changing lanes do not use the mirrors-- just change.
19. Take corners using the widest possible arc.
20. Finally, go fast!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Lesson At Camp

The feel of camp was in the air. All around me Cedarmore campers were in abundance and the smells and sounds that are associated with such a week of camp could be sensed. I realized I had an hour break and sneaked into the worship center to do some ambassador work on my laptop. Minutes passed as I worked undisturbed before I heard someone come through the double doors at the back of the room. After turning, I saw that it was the pastor who had come for the week to lead the sermons. He stopped by my row of chairs to say ‘hi,’ then moved on up the aisle, Bible in hand, and knelt down at the alter to pray. The picture of this man of God praying at the podium, with his Bible clutched in his hands, pierced my heart. I had been pondering why I was here a week at camp trying to do ambassador work, and in that instance God clearly spoke and said, “That’s why you’re here. To see this.”

I was reminded of the rare, beautiful moments we sometimes get to glimpse throughout life…Some memories you know you will never forget. Thoughts such as getting to see Dr. Criswell preach, holding Adrian Rogers hand as he took me by his side for a picture, hearing Dr. Vines preach his last sermon at First Baptist, seeing Bob Barton praying in his room at my own middle school camp, and now seeing this man doing the same before the room became crowded with campers. Sometimes the ministry can become so full of administrative and consuming tasks that I can tend to forget that the real heart of ministry lies in falling to ones knees on a smelly old carpet, in an empty worship center, and praying to God to somehow make an impact on someone….

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Weekend Wackiness

I spent the weekend at the DeWitt's with JV as we "apartment sat." A picture speaks a thousand words....As you can tell, the theme was FUN.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Things That Interest Lauren

OHHHH...E.T. has friend.


For the past 24 hours I have had a new someone in my life...Larry. He actually will be a part of the nursery at Highview, but needed a bit of patching up before being placed in the care of a chubby 3 year old. So I took it upon myself to stitch up the beloved cucumber and have actually enjoyed his company. He's bigger than the picture relates and he's just the right fit to prop your head up while watching a movie....Will be a sad parting come Sunday morning.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Glimpse Into the Day of LD

Today was a "productive" day. From eating lunch with J.V. to cleaning the nursery at Highview (I learned that cleaning supplies makes you slap-happy), to washing six loads of laundry, to making dinner for a friend, to playing Scrabble at Java, to gauging my finger open during a game of pool, to experiencing the thrill of riding in a trunk of a car and having the lid bump you on the head, to listening to a hurting friend, to talking to a friend from out of state....I'd say that that's pretty much the definition of a virtuous woman. Or not.

Do They?

The words to this song have been coming to my thoughts the past couple of days...Can this be said of me, or do I simply just reflect me?

Joy Williams
Do They See Jesus In Me

Is the face that I see in the mirror
the one I want others to see
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
The love that You've given to me
My heart's desire is to be like You
In all that I do, all I am

Do they see Jesus In Me
Do they recognize Your face
Do I communicate Your love, and Your grace
Do I reflect who You are
In the way I choose to be
Do they see Jesus In Me

It's amazing that you'd ever use me
But use me the way You will
Help me to hold out a heart ofcompassionate grace
A heart that You're spirit fills
May I show forgiveness and mercy
The same way You've shown it to me

Now I want to show all the world who You are
The reason I live and breathe
So You'll be the One that they s0
When they see me

My 'Brothers'

Last Friday night I got to play with the Scroggins children...I like to think of them as the little brothers I never had.
Sometime during the evening it dawned on me the beauty of this family and a desire was stirred in me to raise a Godly family. Getting to see first hand the work that is invovled with six kids is quite challenging...But I can't wait to have a whole little mess of mine running around.

Things That Interest Me

These are so funny...JV has commented that its disturbing that so many things that I like involve BIG eyes.

His Ways

On nights like tonight, it overwhelms me how much God has blessed me and how He has orchestrated every event of my life. I was telling JV last night as we took a walk, that 10 years ago I never would have dreamed that God would have brought me to the point He has. Never had I imagined such a place as Boyce, the ministry opportunities He has provided, or the friends He has placed in my life.
At times I can become discouraged or ready for the next thing to happen in my life...But then I sit back, and see how He has blessed me and gone farther than any dream I could have ever imagined up. I realize that His ways are so much more beautiful than mine, and that His plans for my future are even more than I have ever hoped for...