Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Yesterday, my car pulled into the familiar driveway of my home in Florida. I was so relieved to see the beautiful sight! After that nice little drive, I was just alittle stir-crazy to say the least. The past 24 hours have been filled with the joy of my new kitten, the company of my parents, enjoying wonderful food, and remembering just how many lizards live in my backyard...I despise lizards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When I wake up in the morning,
where the orange blossoms grow, where the sun comes peeping up where I've been sleeping, and the sunbeams say 'Hello!' I love the fresh air, and the sunshine, it's good for us you know...so I'll make my home in Florida... where the orange blossoms grow!" :o)

8:50 PM  

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