Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Thought

Taken from a study on Psalm 139
“You formed my inward parts…” Don’t you think that as God formed your little heart that a smile crept over His face? He knew that that heart belonged to Him. As He formed your lungs, He already knew precisely how many breaths you would ever take. I wonder if as He formed your little toes He held on to you for just a minute longer knowing some of the pain you would walk through in this life. As He formed your ribs, did His thoughts turn to the one that He would one day bring to your side? When He fashioned your hands, I wonder if He thought of all the “cups of cold water” you would give. And when He finished did He put His cheek against yours and whisper to your heart to hold on, stay pure, to stay close to His heart….And then He “...covered me in my mother’s womb.” He entrusted the parents to raise His princess...


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