Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A is for Awana

Oh, the delights and challenges a night of Awana can bring! From a 1st grader holding a bloody tooth, to a little girl laughing at my incredibly cheesy joke, these little Sparkies (K-2nd graders), have found a special place in my heart. I died laughing tonight when a kindergarten whispered, "It's Satan," in answer to, "What is sin?" I also learned that stifling laughter is a hard concept when asking kindergartens, "What is sin, " and for one little girl to raise her hand and say, "Your parents." These little kids think the world of me--I have no idea why. A whole mess of them crowded around me tonight and giggled at me trying to make my tongue reach my nose (such spiritual things). How eager their little faces soak in Scripture, and take in lessons. From telling me that there are only 2 disciples, to quoting John 3:16 to me as soon as I walk in the room, these little munchkins bring such joy to my Wednesday nights....


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