Monday, January 23, 2006

93 cents & pure joy

Most people probably don't know this (well those in Louisville), but I'm a huge fan of classical music. I have played the piano for about 12 years, and can at times become enraptured with the beautiful notes of Chopin, Rachmaninoff, and all those dear chaps. Tonight for instance, joy has come at the cheap price of 93 cents compliments of I downloaded one of Mussorgsky's songs from Pictures at an Exhibition & sat enraptured by its melody at the late hour of almost midnight....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you like classical music, you can spend hours listening to it downstairs. my dad and baxter would enjoy the company.

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when does Christopher make such random, random comments? And when did he start seeing the light of day at 6:52 am? Questions to ponder...

3:21 PM  
Blogger AC said...

Haha. Christopher does have a point. Who can refuse that loveable little guy named Baxter? Though, so does the sister also have a point. Though I kind of equate Christopher's random comment with R. Lauren's often random posts. Sometimes its best to fight fire with fire. At others, it's best to decide to just sleep in in the morning. When you have the luxury...

7:12 PM  
Blogger The Fosters said...

This whole conversation has been very enjoyable to read. Why were you up at 6:52 AM, Mr. Mohler? That truly is a question to ponder.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is katie so interested in MY life? I don't see why she thinks i shouldn't be up then. just to quench her interest, i'll say i was up to get school done. just because she usually dosn't get up until approx. 11.00 a.m., she can't just hink it's stupid to get up earlier to finish earlier.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

trust me, i don't want to get up at 6:52 A.M. that hink is a think in the last comment

2:59 PM  
Blogger Bolo said...

The only reason I ever rise at 6:52 AM is to wake up Scott O'Neal when he thinks his alarm clock won't wake him up. Well, that's not the only reason...I will get up at such an early hour in order to catch a morning surf session, but as we all know, there's no surf in Kentucky to partake of, no matter the time of day.

9:55 AM  

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