Monday, September 12, 2005

Boys and Tarzan

I benefit from the greatest pleasure every weekend--Trips to the Scroggins home. Lately, the boys have been very animated about the new Tarzan movie they just got. It's not the original Disney Tarzan, this is Tarzan 2, or whatever the title may be. The past couple of weeks they have been reciting lines from the movie, or entertaining me by acting out scenes. Saturday night I was watching the boys and they convinced me that I HAD to see Tarzan. So off we went- Daniel, Jer, Isaac, Steven, Anna Kate, and myself to the basement of their house to watch the beloved film. During the movie, there is a part where Tarzan has been separated from the family of apes and soon realizes that he's not one of them. In fact, he's not like anyone. During this part of the film, Isaac, who is three, proclaimed in a sorrowful tone, "That's okay, Tarzan. God created you that way. He created you to be a kid." I realized how precious those words were--That little Isaac is already applying what his parents are faithfully teaching him.
I can't wait to have my own army of little boys who will proclaim spiritual insights during Disney movies.


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